Type of Publication: Article in Journal
Competitive Location under Proportional Choice: 1- Suboptimal Points on Networks.
- Author(s):
- Kress, D.; Pesch, E.
- Title of Journal:
- Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services
- Volume (Publication Date):
- 6 (2012)
- Number of Issue:
- 2
- pages:
- 53-64
- Language:
- Englisch
- Keywords:
- competitive location; voting location; vertex optimality; discretization; centroid problem
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.7494/dmms.2012.6.2.53
- Citation:
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This paper is concerned with a competitive or voting location problem on networks under a proportional choice rule that has previously been introduced by Bauer et al. (1993). We refine a discretization result of the authors by proving convexity and concavity properties of related expected payoff functions. Furthermore, we answer the long time open question whether 1-suboptimal points are always vertices by providing a counterexample on a tree network.
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