Type of Publication: Article in Journal
Reinvestigating the Uniqueness of Price Equilibria in a Product Positioning Model under Price Competition in a Multisegmented Market
- Author(s):
- Kress, D.
- Title of Journal:
- Operations Research Letters
- Volume (Publication Date):
- 43 (2015)
- Number of Issue:
- 6
- pages:
- 599-600
- Language:
- Englisch
- Keywords:
- Product positioning, Price competition, Nash equilibrium
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
- doi:10.1016/j.orl.2015.09.007
- Fulltext:
- Reinvestigating the Uniqueness of Price Equilibria in a Product Positioning Model under Price Competition in a Multisegmented Market (272 KB)
- Citation:
- Download BibTeX
We reinvestigate a theoretical result by Rhim and Cooper (2005), who provide a uniqueness condition for price equilibria in a two-stage competitive product positioning model. We show that this condition is very restrictive by providing a simple proof for the fact that it eventually results in parametric pricing. As a consequence, it misses the two-stage characteristic that the model originally aims at.